Export Compliance Acronyms

Acronyms are coded as

  • EAR (Export Administration Regulation)
  • ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations)
  • FTR (Foreign Trade Regulations), or
  • OFAC (Office Foreign Assets Control)

Acronyms that apply more generally are not coded.


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ACE                Automated Commercial Environment

AES                Automated Export System

AG                  Agreements Guidelines (ITAR) or Australia Group

AGR               Agriculture (EAR license exception)

APO                Air Force Post Office

APP                 Adjusted Peak Performance (EAR license exception and computer
                         control parameter)

APR                Additional Permissive Reexports (EAR license exception)

AT                   Anti-Terrorism (EAR reason for control)

AVS                Aircraft and vessels (EAR license exception)

BAG               Baggage (EAR license exception)

BIS                  Bureau of Industry and Security (EAR)

CACR             Cuban Assets Control Regulations (OFAC)

CAS                Chemical Abstract Service

CB                   Chemical & Biological Weapons (EAR reason for control)

CBP                US Customs and Border Protection

CC                   Crime Control (EAR reason for control)

CCATS           Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System

CCD                Consumer Communications Devices (EAR license exception)

CCL                Commerce Control List (EAR)

CFR                Code of Federal Regulations

CIV                 Civil End-Users (EAR license exception)

CJ                    Commodity Jurisdiction

DCS                Destination Control Statement (EAR) or Direct
                       Commercial Sales (ITAR)

DDTC             Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (ITAR)

DOD               US Department of Defense

DOJ                 US Department of Justice

DOPSR           Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (ITAR)

DPL                Denied Persons List (EAR)

DSP                 Department of State Pro Forma (ITAR)

DTAG             Defense Trade Advisory Group (ITAR)

DTC                Defense Trade Control (DTC)

DTCC             Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (ITAR)

DTCL              Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing (ITAR)

DTCP              Office of Defense Trade Controls Policy (ITAR)

DTSA              Defense Technology Security Administration

EAA                Export Administration Act (EAR)

EAR                Export Administration Regulations

ECCN             Export Classification Control Number (EAR)

ECMP             Export Compliance Management Program

ECO                Export Compliance Officer

ECR                Export Control Reform

ECRA             Export Control Reform Act (EAR)

ECRI               Export Control Reform Initiative

EEI                  Electronic Export Information

EI                    Encryption Items (EAR reason for control)

ELISA            Export License Status Advisor

EMCP             Export Management & Compliance Program (EAR)

ENC                Encryption (EAR license exception)

EO                   Empowered Official (ITAR)

EPCI               Enhanced Proliferation Control Initiative (EAR)

FC                   Firearms Convention (EAR reason for control)

FCPA              Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

FMS                Foreign Military Sales (ITAR)

FPO                 Fleet Post Office

FPPI                Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FTR)

FSC                 Facility Security Clearance

FTR                 Foreign Trade Regulations

FY                   Fiscal Year

GBS                Group B Shipments (EAR license exception)

GC                   General Correspondence (ITAR)

GFT                 Gift (EAR license exception)

GOV               Government (EAR license exception)

HIS                 Homeland Security Investigations

HPC                High Performance Computer (EAR)

HTS                 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (FTR)

ICP                  Internal Control Program (ITAR)

IEEPA            International Emergency Economic Powers Act (OFAC)

ISO                 International Standards Organization

ITAR               International Traffic in Arms Regulations

ITN                 Internal Transaction Number (FTR)

ITSR               Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations (OFAC)

IVL                 Individual Validated License (EAR)

LO                   Licensing Officer (EAR/ITAR/OFAC)

LVS                Shipments of limited value (EAR license exception)

M&A               Merger and Acquisition

MDE               Major Defense Equipment (ITAR)

MLA               Manufacturing License Agreement (ITAR authorization)

MOD               Ministry of Defense

MT                  Missile Technology (EAR reason for control/ITAR)

MTCR             Missile Technology Control Regime

NB                  Nota bene (EAR)

NDA               Non-Disclosure Agreement

NES                Not Elsewhere Specified (EAR)

NISPOM         National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (ITAR)

NLR                No License Required (EAR)

NP                   Nuclear Nonproliferation (EAR reason for control)

NS                   National Security (EAR reason for control)

NSG                Nuclear Suppliers Group (EAR)

OEE                Office of Export Enforcement (BIS)

OEM               Original Equipment Manufacturer

OFAC             Office of Foreign Assets Control

PCFC              Political Contributions, Fees and Commissions (ITAR)

PM                  Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (ITAR)

POA                Power of Attorney

PPI                  Principal Party in Interest (FTR)

RFQ                Request for Quote

RPL                 Servicing and replacement of parts and equipment
                        (EAR license exception)

RS                   Regional Stability (EAR reason for control)

RWA               Return Without Action (EAR/ITAR/OFAC)

SCO                Special Compliance Official (ITAR)

SCP                 Support for the Cuban People (EAR license exception)

SDN                Specially Designated National (OFAC)

SI                    Significant Items (EAR reason for control)

SL                   Surreptitious Listening (EAR reason for control)

SLI                  Shipper’s Letter of Instruction

SME                Significant Military Equipment (ITAR)

SNAP-R          Simplified Network Application Process – Revised (EAR)

SS                    Short Supply (EAR reason for control)

SSI                  Sectoral Sanctions Identification List (OFAC)

STA                 Strategic Trade Authorization (EAR license exception)

STELA            System for Tracking Export License Applications (EAR)

SW                  Software

TAA                Technical Assistance Agreement (ITAR authorization)

TCP                 Technology Control Plan (ITAR)

TD                   Technical Data

TLA                Three Letter Acronym (of which there are too many in export controls)

TMP                Temporary (EAR license exception)

TSPA              Technology and Software Publicly Available

TSR                 Technology and Software Restricted (EAR license exception)

TSU                 Technology and Software Unrestricted (EAR license exception)

TTCP               Technology Transfer Control Plan (ITAR)

TWEA             Trading with the Enemy Act (OFAC)

UN                  United Nations Embargo (EAR reason for control)

USG                United States Government

USML             United States Munitions List (ITAR)

USPPI             United States Principal Party in Interest (FTR)

UVL                Unverified List (EAR)

VD                  Voluntary Disclosure (ITAR)

VEU                Validated End User (EAR)

VSD                Voluntary Self-Disclosure (OFAC or EAR)

WDA              Warehouse and Distribution Agreement (ITAR authorization)

WT                  Weighted TeraFLOPS (EAR measure of computer performance)

XP                   High Performance Computer (EAR reason for control)

XTN                External Transaction Number (FTR)

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